Thursday, July 1, 2010


This process is painfully slow...

Nicole had her ultrasound biopsy on Tuesday. Originally they saw 3 'spots' on the MRI that concerned them, and the ultrasound was only able to find 1 of them. They did a biopsy on that spot and we're once again waiting for results.

Even if that spot is positive for cancer, it was a quarter-inch or smaller, and the other 2 didn't even show up. That lack of news at least tells us that the cancer is still very small and local, and that's just reemphasizing that it's very effectively treated.

We also saw the fertility docs on Tuesday and began lining up our soldiers to increase the odds at having kids someday. Who knew putting a few eggs on ice could be so expensive?!??! Learning something new everyday through this process, that's for sure.

Nicole also met with the Oncologist for the first time today, the guy who will run the treatment once Nicole is through with surgery. Again (broken record), we learned nothing new from him, he said that he won't be able to put a treatment plan on paper until he sees the final results from surgery. He did give some encouraging words about being able to have kids after cancer, and didn't seem at all concerned that Nicole would have a problem due to the treatments. Of course we know there are many factors at work, but it feels good to know the docs feel it's very possible.

I wish I had more to report, but unfortunately we are stuck solidly in the waiting game right now. Stay tuned...

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